Want to attract women? Keep your cat out of your dating profile
By Rob Picheta, CNN
Updated 7:27 AM ET, Mon June 22, 2020
Women were less likely to say yes to a picture of a man holding a cat, the study found. (CNN)We have cat-astrophic news for animal lovers: Men who like cats are less likely to get a date. That's the takeaway from a study by Colorado State University, which found that women are less likely to swipe right -- or say yes -- to men if they're posing with a cat in a picture. Scientists showed hundreds of women photos of two men, both men pictured with and without a furry companion. Their responses showed that the men's luck got noticeably worse when women saw the picture with a cat.
I don't believe anyone is surprised here. I am honestly shocked this even deserved to be an article for CNN. Firstly, who decided to conduct this study. And realistically, did anyone expect different results than what we were given. Look. I'm no animal lover but I think anyone can appreciate a good dog. A nice dog is always fun to have around. This is true unless you're highly allergic to dogs which would be unfortunate. But does anyone like cats? Honestly I don't think I've ever seen a cat and I was like, "awww cute." Cats are disgusting creatures. They belong in the wild with all other animals except for dogs. Dogs deserve a place in the human home because they are reasonable and cute creatures. Cats are a no. So what was the point of this study? If men were thinking about buying a cat to impress women well the answer is no. Do not buy a cat. Save yourself from the suffering. There is no benefit for cat owning.