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Fire Edwin Diaz

This man is not good at throwing baseballs. That is simply the end of the story. I will fully acknowledge that in years prior, Edwin Diaz was a great pitcher with tons of potential. However, everyone with a good past does not have a promising future. Edwin is a perfect example of this. The MLB is the biggest stage of baseball. Baseball is an international sport with millions of children going to bed every night praying that one day they will have the chance to step on an MLB mound and throw to a catcher across home plate. Edwin Diaz is taking the place from another pitcher somewhere in the minor leagues that probably deserves the chance to come to Flushing and play for the Mets. I am not saying that Edwin should be tossed away forever. Send him down to Florida or Binghamton where he can play in the minors. Oh wait. There are no minors. Too bad Edlose. You don't deserve to pitch in the majors. Get this fool out of here.

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