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Novaxx Jokeovic

Tennis- the sport of one on one with no risk of corona virus because there will be two people on the court that will be 40 feet apart at all time. Nope. Novaxx had to come to the situation and screw tennis for 2020. After having organized a huge tournament with many different ATP players from around the globe in Serbia and Croatia, Novaxx was diagnosed with COVID earlier today. Not shocking at all, his wife Jelena also has COVID but luckily his kids are somehow COVID free. This comes only a few days after Grigor Dmitrov was diagnosed with the virus. Dmitrov was also at the Jokeovic tournament so there is no coincidence that both of them were diagnosed with the virus. In fact these two were actually playing basketball shirtless with each other which is nearly the complete opposite of social distancing. It seems as if the past few days have been extremely rough for professional sports with all these guys getting diagnosed. I feel like these athletes might as well just want to get the virus as soon as possible so they can just stop fearing getting it. Most of these guys are in tip top shape and are extremely low risk of death or any long term problems so you might as well just get it now. Whatever these athletes decide to do sadly I can't see professional sports coming back this summer. Whether that's the NBA, NHL, or the MLB who just agreed upon a deal, it seems as if so many people are getting the virus that regardless of how many precautions you take, people are going to get. I hope that I'm wrong.

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