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"Please don't take me"

For some reason I keep finding myself blogging about baseball even though I'm the opposite of a big baseball guy. However this story about Freddie Freeman is just pissing me off so I figured I would give my take on it. First I want to say I'm happy to hear that Freeman is alive and doing somewhat okay for a guy who was basically on his deathbed a few days ago. I'm not a Freddie Freeman hater or fan but I do respect his game. Basically the thing with this story that is pissing me off is just the huge hype around the details that aren't shocking. The headlines of all of these articles are that Freddie prayed when he was dying. This really isn't shocking at all. Basically everyone that is somewhat religious prayers for healing of others and themselves. So why is the world shocked to learn that Freddie was praying to get better? I have no idea. The man had a 104.5 degree fever which is basically deadly if you're not super healthy or a professional athlete like our boy Freddie. And keep in mind I am not downplaying this situation at all. If anything everything else I downplaying this awful situation Freddie was in because its like they expected him to not pray. I guess these journalists just do what they need to do to get clicks. Whatever man. God bless Freddie. And keep praying if you think it works.

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