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The People of Wakanda

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

So all day I’ve been watching both the golf match between Rory, DJ, Rickie, and Wolff as well as NASCAR at Darlington. But the golf ended and NASCAR went to a commercial so I just happened to turn on TNT where I found Black Panther. A quality movie in an even better franchise. I was excited to watch a few minutes before tuning back into nascar. But then i struck a problem. I just happened to be watching the scene where T’Challa flies into Wakanda. And there are a few key moments that need to be pointed out. Do you ever wonder about the people that aren’t in the main city of Wakanda? The ones that don’t get to enjoy the luxuries of riches and technology of the hidden portion of the country.

For example these lovely herders are so excited to see the Black Panther fly over there grazing area but from first appearance it doesn’t look like they are as rich or as “better off” as those inside the borders of the main city of Wakanda.

In addition, those riding on these horses are also happy to see the mystical Black Panther fly over there fields but keep in mind they are traveling by horse. This is an ancient way of traveling compared to those traveling in the main city of Wakanda. While we are supposed to assume that Wakanda is a technologically advanced place of happiness we must also keep in mind there are people like herders and horse riders who do not get the same opportunities as those inside the city. For example, any person part of a “tribe” could challenge the ruler to become king. These people do not have that opportunity. Before being quick to say Wakanda is the greatest country in the world think for a second if you were the herder or the horse rider. Thank you for your time

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