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The Upside Movie Review

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

When I saw this movie available on Showtime On Demand I was surprised at two things. The first being that I just remembered seeing previews for this movie and yet it came out three years ago which just made me feel old. The second is the fact that I just never saw this movie even thought it stars Bryan Cranston who recently has become one of my favorite actors since I've finished watching all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad.

I've really never been such a big Kevin Hart fan. In my opinion he usually plays stupid roles but he can be occasionally funny. However this role for Hart struck me differently. I legitimately really liked this movie. And I am not one to enjoy all movies at all. In fact, I would say I am somewhat of a movie critique.

I think the best part of this was the subtle funny scenes that were just great acting between Cranston and Hart. I'm talking about scenes when Hart is giving Cranston a shower and is spraying the water all in his eyes or the scene where Hart is feeding Cranston kumquats and its spilling all over his face or when Hart has to change out Cranston's catheter. Its scenes like these that I usually don't find to be very funny but for some reason I really enjoyed those scenes. I think it was just the idea of me thinking about the behind the scenes bloopers that have had to occur during those scenes. You can almost tell by the two's facial expressions that they were close to cracking up.

I also just thought the movie was wholesome and spread simple messages in effective ways like money is certainly not the way to happiness and that no matter your background, you can always find a way to be successful, and that no matter how different two people may be, they can become friends.

To be honest, I was shocked to see that this movie received mostly negative reviews. It has a 41% on rotten tomatoes. I guess if you're looking at it from a standpoint of film instead of actually enjoyability, than maybe it wasn't a great movie but its certainly something that is re-watchable and definitely was worth my time.

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