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Wayfair, they've got just what I need

I love conspiracy theories but this isn't a conspiracy theory. These are the cold hard facts. Wayfair is a human trafficking company. More specifically they traffic children. Hiding in plain sight is the best way to hide. Everybody knows that. I think my favorite part about this is that there stock price was down nearly 6% because of this. I can only wonder if I just come up with some random theory about Apple or Amazon. Will there stock price tank for no reason at all? Keep in mind if wayfair actually was selling children, there sales and profits would probably increase thus making the stock price increase. What an odd predicament we are in, in this crazy year of 2020. Also this company doesn't deserve the stock symbol W. W is a letter that should represent a strong an powerful company like "Walt Disney." Wayfair does not deserve this phabulous phonic. Expensive cabinets are to odd a product for this country to be marked as normal. Wayfair is going down. I can only pray for the children who are stuck in these cabinets. Free the children.

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